You need to treat gum disease as soon as you discover you have it. If you find it quickly, you probably have the initial stage of gum disease, which is called gingivitis. This initial state is much simpler to treat than advanced stages of gum disease are. When it advances, it is called periodontal disease.
With gingivitis, your dentist might suggest treating it through a procedure called scaling and root planing. During this procedure, your dentist would thoroughly clean your gum lines to remove all the built-up plaque found in these areas. This procedure can hurt, but it offers an effective treatment option for gingivitis.
If you have a more advanced stage of gum disease, your dentist might have to perform a gum grafting procedure. To do this, the dentist would first remove all the damaged gums from your mouth. Next, the dentist would add new tissue to your mouth to replace the bad tissue he or she removed. This is a major procedure you can avoid by treating gum disease quickly.
If you suspect that you have gum disease, you should visit a dentist soon. To schedule an appointment, contact
P.A. Daniel Jr., D.D.S. We offer examinations, cleanings, and all types of dental services, and we can diagnose gum disease and help you find ways to stop it from worsening.